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FYI I have a print of the reissue with the re-recorded "they tampered with a classic" track" from around 1982. 4-track mag only with Dolby A NR. It's quite faded but not yet vinegar although reel 2 is going that way. I wish to re-home it. Frankly, if you want to see the movie get the Blu-ray (I have). If you want to have some fun playing with 4-track magnetic sound while you still can, get in touch. Will consider any offer including zero.
Too bad John Eickhof is gone, he had mag equipment at the ACE and it would be a good home for that print. He also has all of my film equipment and the few prints I acquired too.
I have two Motiograph AAA penthouses and a Dolby MPU. I ran the print (except Reel 2) as part of temporary setup of 35mm at home. I should post about that as I had a list of goals such as watch a movie in Dolby Stereo optical, watch some IB, watch nitrate, watch unmarried, etc.
one imbecile lawyer at Universal in particular -- claimed that trailers were the physical property of the studio because the studio never sold trailers or film prints to the public.
Back in my earliest projecting days, trailers from National Screen Service used to come with a note in the box that said the trailers were the property of NSS under license from the studios, and you would be subjected to huge fines if you failed to return them.
If you were foolhardy enough to send one back without the paper band on it, they would get all bent out of shape about that too, because there was a tracking number on the paper band that they used to keep track of the trailers.
Can you imagine that...keeping track of individual trailers! I wonder how many people lost their jobs when they decided that was completely unneccessary.
Mike, back in the day, before home video was much of a thing, trailers were reused just like feature films. This was particularly true for sub-run and revival houses. So, having those trailers back meant that they could redeploy them, as needed. There wasn't going to be a budget to strike new trailers.