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Xenon lamp lead wire

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  • Xenon lamp lead wire

    The lead wire on this lamp looks burnt -- I'm not sure if the connection to the flexible lead is failing, or if it is from arcing because it is uncomfortably close to the reflector. Any advice appreciated!

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  • #2
    That's not at all unusual with a non-dichroic reflector. The insulation has been baked by both the IR and UV light directed back on it. You will have to find fiberglas, or some other suitable high temp wire to replace it. Rubber insulated wire would last just a few minutes. Better yet, get a pair of lamphouses that have dichroic reflectors in them. Like Super Lum-Ex, that looks like a 750 watt, to 1.6 kw lamp in an ORC or similar lamphouse. If this is operating in a theater, I'd retire it.


    • #3
      Either now, or in the past, that wire seems to have arced to the reflector or some place nearby. That caused a burn in the wire. Over time, several shows, the heat cycling causes oxidation in the wire. As the wire oxidizes, its resistance to electricity increases. That causes more heat, more oxidation and the cycle goes around and around. After a while the wire will oxidize/burn and fail completely.

      You'll need to replace that wire before it fails. (And always at the worst possible moment!)
      ​While you are digging around, in there, take some time to look for other heat damaged wires and components.

