Recently my work has been getting archive prints that request to be returned "Emulsion Side Out" and for the life of me my brain can't rack it. Which side is Emulsion side out? Like, if I'm inspecting the film print and the sound track is close to me (looking down at the image from left to right is bottom to top) that's the emulsion side, correct?
Sorry if this is such a noob question. I've read things that say "oh just fog the image with your breath and the emulsion side gets foggy" but both sides never look foggy.
Also why is it better for storage to have emulsion side out?
Thank you for any help you have.
Sorry if this is such a noob question. I've read things that say "oh just fog the image with your breath and the emulsion side gets foggy" but both sides never look foggy.
Also why is it better for storage to have emulsion side out?
Thank you for any help you have.