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Leader & Tails (Build Variations & Curiosities)

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  • Leader & Tails (Build Variations & Curiosities)

    There seems to be no "standard" best practice.

    Though I really enjoyed FT's way they sent Brutalist 35mm out... with a bunch of white and clear... and a framing reference well ahead of the actual lab leader. No touchy the lab leader!

    Our recent NAVCC Library of Congress print had a well labeled white leader and tail, plenty of it. But no framing reference, so a bit of touching to do final framing adjustment once into the lab leader.

    The one thing NAVCC does that i'm curious about the logic, they include an approx 6 frame black at the very end of their tail leader, after the white labeled leader. My best guesses were to provide a bit of sacrificial film that can get replaced if operators damage it when terminating reels (either tape or tucking). So they don't loose any length or labeling on their white portion. But the fact they don't include the same on their heads kinda ruins that logic. They do ship tails out so in theory the only time you terminate the head is on your takeup reel one time. Any other guesses? Perhaps their archival cores involves a tuck on the tail, and that is why they include it, but did not see any bend evidence of that.

    On the archival pint we compression wrapped, no tucking. But we are not opposed to a piece of artist tape when it's not archival.

  • #2
    Another possibility would be that 6 frames is enough to sacrifice to the floor gods if the take up reel doesn't stop spinning promptly, and they fully intend to remove it before putting it back into storage?


    • #3
      I'm curious as to how FT provided the framing reference on their leaders. Did they splice in a section of clear frameline leader between longer lengths of white, or did they mark the white leader and if they marked it, how.

      I'm trying to come up with the best way to do this for my collection. Currently I use all clear frameline leader on the head, and all white on the tail. But frameline leader is expensive, white is expensive enough but is considerably cheaper.

      I'm curious as to what kind of leaders other people are putting on their collections as well.


      • #4
        I am also baffled on the 6 frames of black leader on the tail. I would think 6 frames is too short to be sacrificial. The only thing I can think of is for a quick glance identifier that it's the tail if they use white leader for both head and tail.


        • #5
          It is my guess that those extra frames are some sort of code. I don't know what for. Are there always the same number of spare frames on every reel? Are they the same for every print?

          In other words, I'm guessing that the number of extra frames at the end might indicate the reel number or, maybe to tell different prints of the same movie apart.
          (Don't know. Just guessing.)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Randy Stankey View Post
            It is my guess that those extra frames are some sort of code. I don't know what for. Are there always the same number of spare frames on every reel? Are they the same for every print?

            In other words, I'm guessing that the number of extra frames at the end might indicate the reel number or, maybe to tell different prints of the same movie apart.
            (Don't know. Just guessing.)
            I've only had the one myself, so no comparison points. I supposed I could just email and ask, but seems not worth their time. ;-) It was the same amount per reel, on the tail only. 6 was a guess from memory, might have been slightly more.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chris Wehrman View Post
              I am also baffled on the 6 frames of black leader on the tail. I would think 6 frames is too short to be sacrificial. The only thing I can think of is for a quick glance identifier that it's the tail if they use white leader for both head and tail.
              That is also a logical guess too! Might serve multiple benefits.

              I'm curious as to how FT provided the framing reference on their leaders. Did they splice in a section of clear frameline leader between longer lengths of white, or did they mark the white leader and if they marked it, how.
              I would just email Brad directly to ask about his build up, but from memory on Brutalist, it was White Leader followed by either black or clear frame reference (a short section), and then clear leader (carefully measured to avoid frame offsets), followed by the lab heads. IIRC. Their instructions were very serious about threading before or at the framing reference, and not handling the print proper when threading.

              Unfortunately I don't recall what his tails looked like, they were very long also to avoid touching lap film, but don't recall if it was just white, or clear again followed by white for labeling?

              I remember FT's clear being either a different sprocket type or something else that caused a ton of buzz while running past it, that was my only partial gripe with the way it was built.

              On most other studio or distributor prints I've had you are lucky to even get white leader that is labeled, often the only labels are on the tape securing the reel, and "should" be redone by each projectionist to avoid reusing tape. Occasionally we've been nice when it's a director's personal print, and added some white leader for their benefit and labeling.


              • #8
                Only spitballing, here... It could be the number or times the print has been loaned out or the number of times it has been repaired.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Randy Stankey View Post
                  Only spitballing, here... It could be the number or times the print has been loaned out or the number of times it has been repaired.
                  Hah, that is a thought, or sort of a tally to tell you when it is again due for a detailed inspection or cleaning, chop one frame or even sprocket off every time it gets loaned out. Some little trick like that only is valid in an archive where they still inspect on loan or return.

