This is another movie where someone had the bright idea to make the picture smaller than the screen. It's officially flat.
However, there's a blank border on all sides of the picture. I'm not entirely sure what the real aspect ratio is supposed to be but flat it is not.
There's a picture floating around the Internet of the puppet that they used to stand in for Clifford while shooting the movie.
The finished product (dog) looks really good; it's well animated and the fur looks great. I've noticed that fur in animated movies looks better and more natural now than it used to just a few years ago.
The story is a bit uneven; when it's good it's pretty darn good but it has a few slow spots that could have used a little tighter editing in my opinion. There's also a Three Stooges style fight scene near the end that is more violent than it needs to be for the really small kids, though I'm sure the twelve year olds will think it's wonderful.
Overall, though, it's a nice fun kind of a movie for parents and grandparents to bring the kids to. For some reason a few of the kids movies have done better than the adult movies these days; Paw Patrol had the biggest attendance of any movie that I've had here since the whole virus thing started. So now I'll just have to hope that Clifford will do something similar.
However, there's a blank border on all sides of the picture. I'm not entirely sure what the real aspect ratio is supposed to be but flat it is not.
There's a picture floating around the Internet of the puppet that they used to stand in for Clifford while shooting the movie.
The finished product (dog) looks really good; it's well animated and the fur looks great. I've noticed that fur in animated movies looks better and more natural now than it used to just a few years ago.
The story is a bit uneven; when it's good it's pretty darn good but it has a few slow spots that could have used a little tighter editing in my opinion. There's also a Three Stooges style fight scene near the end that is more violent than it needs to be for the really small kids, though I'm sure the twelve year olds will think it's wonderful.
Overall, though, it's a nice fun kind of a movie for parents and grandparents to bring the kids to. For some reason a few of the kids movies have done better than the adult movies these days; Paw Patrol had the biggest attendance of any movie that I've had here since the whole virus thing started. So now I'll just have to hope that Clifford will do something similar.
