Originally posted by Mike Blakesley
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Originally posted by Joe Redifer
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But full disclosure: I didn't watch the movie in its entirety four times already...
Originally posted by Joe Redifer
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I totally agree with you that this isn't a movie I'd be putting on the top of my "best ever" list any time soon. But the thing is, I don't tend to watch those movies on that list too often either, because they are, you know, somewhat special. The reason I watched this one in four different formats are:
- Because I'm a nerd interested in this stuff.
- Because it's part of my job.
Not because I consider this the next Godfather.
Would I rather see the talents of James Cameron being spend on something else than 10 other space-smurf movies? Heck yeah... but he seems to have his own plans and until now I can't really prove him wrong, even though this movie may not break all the records, it will most likely end up being cashflow positive, despite its enormous production costs and a challenging climate for blockbuster movie releases.
Originally posted by Bobby Henderson
Originally posted by Bobby Henderson
In case of Dolby Cinema: The entire raison d'être for that format was to deliver the absolute technical best that the industry offers. Unfortinately, such concepts often start strong, but get compromised down to the lowest common denominator once volumes need to be attained the easy way... The same happened to THX, IMAX, ATMOS, you name it...