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  • Trap

    Here we have a serial killer taking his kid to a concert in a large arena.

    The story is pretty preposterous, the concert music is ghawd-awful (though you might like it if you're a 15 year old girl and what do I know anyway) but boy, this is a really exciting movie.

    I was on the edge of my seat pretty much from start to finish.

    I don't imagine many people will be coming to see it and that's too bad because if you like tense (and intense) thrillers, this is one of those.

  • #2
    The music may not be your style and it also isn't mine, but I guess it was still pretty well done in overal. Even though the music style may not really match, it had that Taylor Swift-vibe going... I agree that this movie's first two acts are pretty exciting. I've not given out many compliments to M. Night Shyamalan over the last 20 or so years, but I liked how he made you actually root for the bad guy during this part of the movie. How he managed to put you into the mind of that bad guy.

    My biggest compliant is the last act of the movie, for my taste, that dragged on quite a bit too long, without adding any of the excitement. Potential spoiler alert: For me, the movie could've been done the minute he "walked" out of the arena. The rest can be left to your imagination.


    • #3
      The plot was preposterous, the music (to my ears) was godawful. If captured terrorists were forced to attend a Lady Raven concert I think terrorism would vanish. Josh Hartnett's performance was "not great." There was no chemistry between him and his wife.

      The first 2 acts were somewhat watchable and kept interest as Hartnett's character's plans kept being foiled. From the time the concert ended it got completely unrealistic and stupid. I agree with Marcel that it would have been better to end at that point. When it kept going, it again should have ended on the shot of the missing bicycle spoke.

      There was also the potential to at least include a shocking twist but the slight twist didn't really matter to the story and just created a few somewhat boring scenes.

      I'll somewhat generously give it 2 stars. At least it was a short movie so I was able to stay awake until the end and there were some amusing scenes.

