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Captain America: Brave New World (2024)

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  • Captain America: Brave New World (2024)

    After Deadpool & Wolverine, I thought maybe Marvel would catch a clue. Considering that movie was a true juggernaut, a movie just about everyone liked, including little kids, despite having an R rating. A movie that was actually fun to watch. A movie that was possible to understand. A movie that I actually wound up watching twice, and I never watch Marvel movies twice.

    But no, this one goes right back to the same old same old. Fight scenes broken up with all-serious expository dialogue and an impossible-to-describe plot. We watched it on Thursday night and as of today, Monday, four days later, I remember nothing about it except the huge fight scene at the end with the Hulk. That was pretty impressive.

    I remember when Iron Man came out and they went to all sorts of lengths to make his helmet fold up and retract and whatever. I always thought it was pretty funny how any hero could bust through some concrete, be in a multi-vehicle collision, or have a building collapse on him and yet all of the linkages, hinges, slots and sockets that would allow parts of his armored suit to fold away into invisibility still work perfectly. That's some pretty good high end titanium metalwork there. These days, they don't even bother with trying to make it look logical. Captain America blinks and his whole helment just folds around to the back of his head or somewhere, I dunno where it goes. His wings are made of the same indestructible materials. They can shield him from bullets, rocks, whatever and still fold away into nothingness without so much as a can of 3-in-1 oil or a squirt of WD-40. Pretty impressive. You'd think SOMETHING would stick, or at least get bent up in all the mayhem.

    I do wish superhero movies would cut it out with the ripping up of the pavement, though. Every time any of these guys get into a big fight, they wind up tearing up some pavement with their indestructible boots (or wings, in this case). Whole roads get demolished. That stuff is expensive to replace, guys. Why not take the battle to a nearby city park, where they only thing you might destroy is a bunch of rusty playground equipment? I guess it's better than raging through buildings, which they also seem to enjoy.

    I also wish they'd come back to earth with the plots of these things. The original Superman? It was about saving Lois Lane, and the California coast (in that order). In other words, it was kinda relatable. What guy wouldn't want to save his girlfriend, and California? But the Marvel gang....who can relate with these guys? They have saved the United States, the planet, several galaxies, the cosmos, the universe and at least several other universes multiple times now. There's nothing left. They probably need to have a movie where God himself gets into some form of trouble and they have to save him. Then they could just stop making movies, or maybe go back to the beginning and start over.

    But that's later. Today, we're still stuck with this movie. The big fight with the Hulk was fun to watch, but the rest of the movie was just a lot of nothing for me. Crowds are liking it though, from what I can see. No walkouts yet, at least. And it gets a point for being under two hours long.

    I don't remember seeing a Stan Lee cameo. Maybe I just missed it. I hope so, he should be in there somewhere.

    Two out of five stars from me.
    Last edited by Mike Blakesley; 02-17-2025, 01:14 PM.

  • #2
    Why not take the battle to a nearby city park, where they only thing you might destroy is a bunch of rusty playground equipment?
    One of the fairly recent superhero movies had the big final battle in a city park.

    Shows how much they run together when I'm not completely sure which one it was though. Blue Beetle?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mike Blakesley View Post

      I don't remember seeing a Stan Lee cameo. Maybe I just missed it. I hope so, he should be in there somewhere.
      He shuffled off the coil a while ago now.


      • #4
        I know that, of course, but he’s been cameo’d in several of the movies since kicking the bucket. In Deadpool & Wolverine, he was an ad for the "Stanlee Steamer" on the side of a bus.
        Last edited by Mike Blakesley; 02-20-2025, 06:23 PM.


        • #5
          Did his estate sell his likeness to the AI horde?


          • #6
            This movie can now be credited with saving lives. The ceiling collapsed during a showing at a theatre in Washington state. There were no casualties because there were only two people in the audience.


            • #7
              Yikes, that looks more substantial than merely a black drop ceiling.

              Are new action movies too loud, this ceiling thought so!


              • #8
                Odd that there's a show still running. You would think at this point someone would have ended the show.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mark Ogden View Post
                  This movie can now be credited with saving lives. The ceiling collapsed during a showing at a theatre in Washington state. There were no casualties because there were only two people in the audience.
                  That must be a secret beta test of a new immersive theater system!

