The story of Percy Schmeiser, a Saskatchewan farmer who fought Monsanto all the way to the Supreme Court.
Monsanto sued Mr. Schmeiser for unauthorized use of their patented canola seed, the case went through several court battles, and along the way he became a kind of a folk hero to people who are opposed to genetically modified foods.
This case was a very big deal in the news around here at the time because, hey, it's not every day that a big deal court case like that comes out of little ol' Saskatchewan you know!
The movie was actually filmed near Stonewall, Manitoba instead of Saskatchewan because (I assume) Saskatchewan no longer offers tax credits and grants for film making in the province and Manitoba does.
I have read that this movie is not completely accurate in terms of the details of exactly what happened, but as far as I can remember from news reports 20 years ago, I think it's more-or-less the broad outline of the events. I know that the final result (the Supreme Court verdict) is what really happened, at least. "Based on a true story" is what it says at the beginning, for whatever that's worth I suppose.
I've had a fair number of people around here, mostly the farmers, saying that they want to see this movie and be enraged.
This is the kind of place where this kind of a movie should get a fair amount of attention, so it's going to be interesting to see how many people actually show up to watch it.
Monsanto sued Mr. Schmeiser for unauthorized use of their patented canola seed, the case went through several court battles, and along the way he became a kind of a folk hero to people who are opposed to genetically modified foods.
This case was a very big deal in the news around here at the time because, hey, it's not every day that a big deal court case like that comes out of little ol' Saskatchewan you know!
The movie was actually filmed near Stonewall, Manitoba instead of Saskatchewan because (I assume) Saskatchewan no longer offers tax credits and grants for film making in the province and Manitoba does.
I have read that this movie is not completely accurate in terms of the details of exactly what happened, but as far as I can remember from news reports 20 years ago, I think it's more-or-less the broad outline of the events. I know that the final result (the Supreme Court verdict) is what really happened, at least. "Based on a true story" is what it says at the beginning, for whatever that's worth I suppose.
I've had a fair number of people around here, mostly the farmers, saying that they want to see this movie and be enraged.