Originally posted by Bobby Henderson
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Like I said, all tools can be used for good and bad. For example, the fact that we now have 3D tracking and compositing software, allows us to focus on other things, rather than to adjust the camera for every single frame. Now, you could use this as a short-cut for "cut-and-paste" CGI effects without giving too much thought about the actual shot, but it the time you win with this can also be used for other, more meaningful things. The fact that there are so many hollow movies being made as of late, maybe signifies that the latter isn't the norm, but that doesn't mean it never happens, because there still is the occasional release of a pretty good movie, still full of CGI.
Regarding the 2D to 3D conversions... sure, most if not all of them were just a lazy cash-grab. Luckily, "3D" has mostly gone the way it has gone before... Wake me up once we can get perfect 3D without glasses.

Originally posted by Bobby Henderson
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Originally posted by Bobby Henderson
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