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Or just using a tree in exactly the same way as s/he did when out on a walk.
This was Pussolini's first encounter with the Christmas tree. We adopted him in the summer of 2023, but last Christmas we visited relatives in England. The work, family, and logistical challenges involved in making that possible (especially with a seven-year old) meant that the decorations simply didn't go up last year.
Our first cat took one look at the tree once we'd put it up and decorated it, and immediately climbed all the way up its steel "trunk," tried to grab hold of the topper star with her front claws, did to the tree's center of gravity what you'd expect (despite being only 2-3 months old and not weighing more than 3-4lb at the time), and took a 90º ride to the ground with the tree as her passenger. Nine years later, she still refuses to go anywhere near it.
I don't know. Sometimes I think we should just bolt the tree to the floor and cable it to the ceiling then let the cat climb it. It'd probably be a lot less hassle, in the long run.
Growing up we had big dogs with obliviously waggy tails... our fancy ornaments always went above waist height... all the wooden and non-breakables went in the bottom half. Back when real trees were more common you also always had to fend off the pets drinking the tree water in the stand. Mmmm sap.
> I was hoping to get a pardon from Joe Biden for a changeover
I missed last week, and for any I might miss in the future, but
apparently, I didn't make his list. . .
Swapping out a light engine with a deceased green formatter in a DP2K-32B this morning, I commented to the owner that the only way of fixing it that did not involve shipping it to Belgium would be to ask the POTUS to make the time to issue a 201nd executive order: the "make Barcos work again" order. The owner replied that I had to come up with a more catchy acronym than that, or he wouldn't even answer the phone.
I've been extra busy at the theater this week, but when my,
boss asked me "if I could use a hand in the projection room",
- - this is definitely NOT what I had in mind. . . . ProjectionHand.jpg