I never bother to watch tv but I do some work for the local cable company. I have "all the channels" and occasionally one of the folks at the NOC will phone me to check channel number XXX if someone in town phones in with a problem so they'll know if the problem is just that customer or town-wide.
I have a Commodore 1702 monitor attached to the digital cable box and that's my TV.
It's probably been ten years since I've turned that monitor on for more than a few minutes to check a channel, but tonight my wife and I decided to watch Thelma and Louise on one of the commercial-free movie channels.
Thelma and Louse. Just as good as I remember it being from the last time I watched it. "I'm in deep shit. Deep Shit, Arkansas."
After the first hour or so the picture would occasionally flicker and a horizontal red-to-pink band about one-third the height of the screen would appear on the screen for about one second. The band formed a background to the picture, i.e. the picture was still there and the band was behind it.
I assume the issue comes from the monitor having warmed up over that first hour and something went haywire. Does an occasional horizontal reddish band ring any bells for any of you electronically minded folks? I hope my monitor isn't dying; for the little that it gets used I'd just as soon keep using this one if there's any easy fix that I could do. Though I suppose after about 40 years of service it really doesn't owe me anything.
It is about -40 degrees here tonight so I suppose it could also have been the channel but that was one of the digital channels and it seems to me that those channels should either work or not work. I guess I should crank it up on a warmer day and see what happens then; maybe it's not the monitor.
I have a Commodore 1702 monitor attached to the digital cable box and that's my TV.
It's probably been ten years since I've turned that monitor on for more than a few minutes to check a channel, but tonight my wife and I decided to watch Thelma and Louise on one of the commercial-free movie channels.
Thelma and Louse. Just as good as I remember it being from the last time I watched it. "I'm in deep shit. Deep Shit, Arkansas."

After the first hour or so the picture would occasionally flicker and a horizontal red-to-pink band about one-third the height of the screen would appear on the screen for about one second. The band formed a background to the picture, i.e. the picture was still there and the band was behind it.
I assume the issue comes from the monitor having warmed up over that first hour and something went haywire. Does an occasional horizontal reddish band ring any bells for any of you electronically minded folks? I hope my monitor isn't dying; for the little that it gets used I'd just as soon keep using this one if there's any easy fix that I could do. Though I suppose after about 40 years of service it really doesn't owe me anything.
It is about -40 degrees here tonight so I suppose it could also have been the channel but that was one of the digital channels and it seems to me that those channels should either work or not work. I guess I should crank it up on a warmer day and see what happens then; maybe it's not the monitor.