In the end, anything AI creates will be judged the same way anything humans create is judged -- how much it makes at the box office (or the streaming channels) for its investors. If it's a hit and money roles in, then AI will, for that project, be lauded as a huge success. But if it creates a flop and everyone loses money, then it will be mocked and ridiculed by the critics and the public (the fickle public whose tastes, we all know, can change on a dime) just the same as flops created by humans are mocked and ridiculed. There is no guarantee that AI-created content will intrinsically be successful. A critic will be merciless on a dog of a movie no matter who or what created it. But then again, in 2040, the difference may be that the AI creator will just have the robots under its control kill the critic.
As for the copyright issue -- the life of the author plus 70 what's the life of an AI algorithm?

As for the copyright issue -- the life of the author plus 70 what's the life of an AI algorithm?