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  • #16
    Suddenly I'm a bit less thrilled with my new Lenovo computers than I was previously.

    One of the monitors developed a single dead pixel near the top of the screen. So I initiated a warranty claim and they said they would send me a replacement monitor.

    It arrived late yesterday afternoon so I set it up this morning.

    It came in a box that says "Refurbished - serviceable used part".

    And this one has a little stain or scratch near the bottom of the screen that won't clean off.

    Frankly, I'd rather keep the monitor with the dead pixel than this one with the stain.

    I just sent them another email saying that this is not a satisfactory resolution so we'll see what happens next.

    I paid for new equipment, not "serviceable used parts".


    • #17
      I guess they figure you are sending in an item you have been using, so they're going to send you back a used one. (If yours had been brand new and dead right out of the box, they'd have probably sent you another new one.) I'll bet if you look up the warranty, you'll find that it says they can replace a defective unit with a refurbished one.


      • #18
        I suspect that it does and if the replacement had been in perfect condition I wouldn't have had any particular objection.

        But when the replacement is worse than the original, that I have a problem with.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Frank Cox View Post
          I suspect that it does and if the replacement had been in perfect condition I wouldn't have had any particular objection.

          But when the replacement is worse than the original, that I have a problem with.
          Yeah I'd make em take it back... but doing this too many more times if you are paying shipping might void the whole effort.


          • #20
            I wrote them an email stating that I'll be sending the replacement monitor back since it's in worse condition than the one it's supposed to be replacing.

            So we'll see what happens next. I suspect I'll just end up keeping the monitor that I have and living with one dead pixel. If it gets worse I'll probably buy a new monitor somewhere.

            It seems to me that in some stuff you could get away with a used part replacement, say a case fan or maybe a power supply that they've harvested out of a returned unit. But not a monitor.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Frank Cox View Post
              I wrote them an email stating that I'll be sending the replacement monitor back since it's in worse condition than the one it's supposed to be replacing.

              So we'll see what happens next. I suspect I'll just end up keeping the monitor that I have and living with one dead pixel. If it gets worse I'll probably buy a new monitor somewhere.

              It seems to me that in some stuff you could get away with a used part replacement, say a case fan or maybe a power supply that they've harvested out of a returned unit. But not a monitor.
              both my 4k monitors at home I bought of ebay for cheap used without the stands (have arms), I did end up swapping one (seller had lots) because the bezel was shifted enough to interfere with the menu/power buttons, but otherwise the panels themselves were great.


              • #22
                I bought two identical computers and monitors. There's nothing wrong with the second monitor at all, and this monitor just has that one dead pixel.

                It's nothing I can't live with, really, since the pixel is near the top of the screen, it's stuck off and not stuck on, and on a hi-res screen like this a single pixel isn't a particularly big area.

                But I thought it's still under warranty, it should be "perfect", and it's not.

                It's too bad, really. I've been telling folks that I got these really great new computers (and they really are the nicest computers I've ever owned) and now I'll be adding a "but" to that.


                • #23
                  I got an email from Lenovo yesterday morning:

                  Good day!

                  We would just like to verify that your replacement Monitor is Performing to your expectations.​
                  I replied and told them that the replacement monitor is worse than the original since it has a scratch on the screen and uneven illumination across the image.

                  I said I would be returning the replacement monitor, I paid for new equipment, and nothing less than a brand new monitor will be acceptable. If they can't send me a new monitor then cancel the return work order and do nothing more.

                  I packed the replacement monitor and the UPS guy picked it up mid-afternoon yesterday.

                  Ten minutes after that I got a "Parts have been shipped" email from Lenovo.

                  And today the UPS delivery guy handed me a brand new monitor.

                  I set it up right away, I'm looking at now as I type, and it seems to be perfect.

                  So, problem solved. I guess it takes some pushing to get them to do the right thing.

