In case y'all haven't seen this yet- The following info was received today from Deluxe/Technicolor®
"Dear Exhibitor-
Over the next month Deluxe will be changing the way we send out Projectionists(Ingest) Letters. We will no longer
be including a paper copy in the hard drive shipments. Instead, we will be emailing you a PDF copy. The format of
the letters themselves will not be changing. The projectionist letter along with hard drive tracking information will be
include in the email that we will deliver to your KDM email address we have on file. You read that correctly, the body
of the email will have title information as well as shipping and tracking details. Please note this change only applies
to hard drive shipments. As a reminder, all Projection letters, shipment tracking, and keys are available to download
at Deluxe’ s Content and Key Manager (CKM) site." <slightly truncated to remove excess information>
This is actually a pretty good idea. Some of my co-workers just leave those papers all over the booth anyway And
just this week, I even got one DCP delivered that had an ingest letter for totally different content than what was on
the DCP. (. . and if we save enough trees, we can start making celluloid again)
"Dear Exhibitor-
Over the next month Deluxe will be changing the way we send out Projectionists(Ingest) Letters. We will no longer
be including a paper copy in the hard drive shipments. Instead, we will be emailing you a PDF copy. The format of
the letters themselves will not be changing. The projectionist letter along with hard drive tracking information will be
include in the email that we will deliver to your KDM email address we have on file. You read that correctly, the body
of the email will have title information as well as shipping and tracking details. Please note this change only applies
to hard drive shipments. As a reminder, all Projection letters, shipment tracking, and keys are available to download
at Deluxe’ s Content and Key Manager (CKM) site." <slightly truncated to remove excess information>
This is actually a pretty good idea. Some of my co-workers just leave those papers all over the booth anyway And
just this week, I even got one DCP delivered that had an ingest letter for totally different content than what was on
the DCP. (. . and if we save enough trees, we can start making celluloid again)
