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Outdoor auditorium lighting

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  • Outdoor auditorium lighting

    I am currently seeking quotes for various repairs to my outdoor cinema that was hit by a sudden storm in January, which has forced me to close until further notice.

    Apart from the screen, which suffered extensive damage, I am required to have electrical repairs performed to current specs. This means the aerial wiring and lamps attached to trees will need to be upgraded.
    There are a few fixed LED floods in the outdoor carpark, powered directly from mains voltage and not a problem, the outdoor viewing area lighting, however, is controlled by light dimmer, and is the subject of this post.

    ​The lamps are mainly halogen floods, most of which received a hit from flying debris so may no longer function. There are a few incandescent lamps strung up at the front near the screen which don’t cast a lot of light but do add to the ambience of the place.
    With the scarcity of halogen lights in Australia I may also need to look at replacing the current lamps with LED.
    The dimmer I am using is a Dynalite DIMTEK 110 which works very well but I believe will not perform properly with LEDs.

    The photos show the auditorium area before dark and a couple of shots after dark with the various lights clearly visible. (the other photos show the same area directly after the storm)

    Does anyone know of an Australian Distributor for the Kelmar dimmers or, alternatively, if a retrofit exists that would allow my old dimmer to function properly with LEDs.

    Any suggestions as to any other suitable 240v replacement for my Dynalite which is not too expensive and is available in Australia (or can be imported at reasonable cost), and can be controlled by the automation, would be greatly appreciated.
    The dimmer was given to me a few years ago and is now obsolete, although I did see one advertised online recently for under A$200.
    Being an insurance claim, the cost is not a major issue however not an excuse for being unnecessarily reckless with my claim.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Look at Lutron equipment, they can be controlled via Telnet (Raw IP) from your server.

    We use a Lutron RadioRa2 system in our complex here in Canada.

