I work at a non-profit educational institution with 2 commercial theaters. We'd like to participate in these but not entirely sure to whom we should reach out. Popcorn day is easy enough to adjust our pricing for the event, but the Sneak Peak day in April leads us to think there will be content available that we would need to talk to someone about acquiring. Any tips are helpful!
No announcement yet.
National Cinema Day now 4 separate themed days
Are you a member of NATO? If not, that's where you should start. If you are part of NATO you'll have access to all the promotional goodies that will help you advertise the days.
If you're not a member: https://theatreowners.org/become-a-member/
The Sneak Peek days as I understand them, feature unannounced screenings of upcoming movies. They're basically the same as a studio screening, except they don't announce the title and give minimal information about the content. For example they might say it's a PG-13-rated action comedy, and they might say the age group it's aimed at, but that's all.
I'm not sure what the requirements are to participate, but it's aimed at multi-plexes that have a spare screen they can devote to the sneak peek for a day or two. Depending on how many screens you have available, you may be able to take part in it but it would require a relationship with the studio that owns the movie being sneaked.