Originally posted by Leo Enticknap
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This whole virus is yet one big mystery. I've spoken to some healthcare professionals in my family. One thing that came up was that while we've learned quite a lot in the last few months and our methods at treating infections have become better, this still doesn't explain the much lower death rate observed during the "summer months" compared to the earlier months. One of the theories is that there are multiple strains, and some may me far more deadly than the other, but chances of them popping up and spreading increase, once the virus starts to pop-up again.
I can understand that people are getting tired of the constant string of corona news and the constant strings of restrictions, people don't like to be "imprisoned", but what happened in Italy, Spain and New York is real and Belgium is currently on the edge of having the same happening to it. I know this, because it's just around the corner and many of my colleagues and friends live and work there. Yesterday, the government even decided to allow already infected health-care workers to continue to work with COVID-19 patients, as long as they're capable to do so, because they're simply at the end of their resources...
So, again, this isn't any normal seasonal flu. Even if the majority of those hit are "old folks", who are we to judge their life to be less important than that of those less affected? Keep in mind that the risk groups in our western nations are considerable. We're all very grey nations, many of us are obese and many of us suffer from some form of chronic illness like diabetes, many of us have had some form of cancer in their past. We may be way more vulnerable than we think we are.
And always keep in mind: Dying is only the worst outcome, we still know very little about the long-term effects of this thing, other than that many people who've had it, still have problems in all kind of severity ranges even months after officially being healed from the infection itself.
We really should try to set politics aside for a few months. Use our collective minds to try to solve this in a far more unanimous way. Nobody knows how this will end, but those kind of events can be large turning points in history. We need to find a solution to save both our humanity and economy...