It appears to be a Thing now for some movies not to report their grosses. Netflix for all of their releases, and then Tenet not releasing grosses until week 14. Monster Hunter (Screen Gems [Sony]) and Fatale (Lions Gate) both out this week and both absent from the Comscore film reports (although IMDB has weekend grosses listed). Anyone have any insight as to why this is happening? Any other films you've heard about, especially with the big Christmas releases this weekend?
No announcement yet.
Movies Not Reporting Grosses
I assume they believe the news media will pickup on how bad they are and scare more people from going to the theatre. Honestly Pandemic or not these grosses would not have been good let's see what WW can do per screen average where it plays. Take the major markets out and no picture will generate any type of numbers so per screen average is all that matters. Something got to give my Dad always said the sun don't shine on the same dog's rear end everyday hopefully it maybe time for the ones who are open to shine.