We're restoring the marquee of one of historic theaters and are planning to switch from the Zip Change letter system (letters printed on clear plexiglass) to three dimensional Gemini letters. We're probably going to select the Gemini slotted letters that hang on the rails, but their Snap Lok letters have a more vintage look and would be a better match stylistically. In addition to the letters themselves looking better, we don't like the look of the rails for the slotted letters (they either need to use rivets to secure them or divide each line of text into multiple panels and glue them). The one downside of the Snap Lok (besides the cost) is that it seems like you probably couldn't change them with a pole and would need to do it on a ladder. For us that would mean hauling out a giant extension ladder a couple times a week so it wouldn't be practical.
Does anyone have any experience with the Snap Lok letters? Do you need to change them by hand or is it possible to do it with a pole? Any other pros and cons to consider when comparing the letter systems?
Does anyone have any experience with the Snap Lok letters? Do you need to change them by hand or is it possible to do it with a pole? Any other pros and cons to consider when comparing the letter systems?