Originally posted by Geoff Jones
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I prefer a home theater in most cases for sound,as no one plays movies at 7.0 where I always play at reference level at home, but every time I've seen a movie I've watched innumerable times in my home theater on a real theater screen I always pick up details in the frame that are often too small to be seen on even the largest home theater screens, and that's part of the value of theatrical exhibition to me.
This most recently happened with the Fathom screening of High Society; I've seen that film over a hundred times, but seeing it on a theater screen revealed all kinds of detail I've never noticed at home.
Sadly even Alamo Drafthouse too often has subpar presentation; there's no reason a chain built on presenting movies for movie lovers should run a film at the wrong aspect ratio, but so far I've caught them four times over the past few years.
(This past summer a local drive-in ran all content in scope, resulting in lots of cut off heads and bottom of the frames when they showed Caddyshack and the original National Lampoon's Vacation, but no one on-site knew how to reset the projection system to flat.)