Hey all, I am waiting in the forever queue to get a Dolby IMS3000 to replace this wonky SR1000 (has a bad ethernet port, and GDC refuses to replace it
even though it is under warranty! )
But I'm stuck with it for now and the intermittent connectivity issues it brings. I have been wanting to get out Jnior to Kelar HLD and Christie Solaria One automation cues going, but I noticed that unlike the Dolby servers which auto-populate the username and password stuff for devices in the list, GDC does not.
Can somebody message me with the relevant login and port details for a Jnior 310 and Christie Solaria One so that the SR1000 can connect to them?
Thanks in advance!

But I'm stuck with it for now and the intermittent connectivity issues it brings. I have been wanting to get out Jnior to Kelar HLD and Christie Solaria One automation cues going, but I noticed that unlike the Dolby servers which auto-populate the username and password stuff for devices in the list, GDC does not.
Can somebody message me with the relevant login and port details for a Jnior 310 and Christie Solaria One so that the SR1000 can connect to them?
Thanks in advance!