Originally posted by Frank Cox
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Well, I didn't buy a SONY either, but I'm stuck working with them, and this certificate issue
is a real pain in the ass. I can no longer automatically trust content and keys that I get from
Deluxe. They will not issue any list of titles known to be affected. We play numerous legacy
titles on a regular basis. ( I've got over a ½ dozen this week alone) Every one I get needs
to be double checked that it will actually play, since the only warning you get that it won't
play is . . THAT IT WON"T PLAY! There are no advance error messages of any type.

And of course they won't give me KDM's with a wider window so that I might have a little
more time to test play. I've got another LORD OF THE RINGS title coming up this week that
I know won't play without a 'fix' My big worry this week is that we have a sold-sold out advance
preview screening of "a soon-to-be-released major motion picture" later this week. The DCP
creation date is Dec 30 of Y2k23, which is the date when certifapacoplyse first became known.
Right now, the key they sent opens only an hour before the scheduled screening. They won't
send a test key unless I can do my QC with studio security present. I am putting in a lot of
extra hours, and losing a lot of sleep (literally! - last nite I didn't get home till almost 2am),
and have had to put in time on many of my days off. I know some of this comes with the
job and is occasionally necessary, and that's OK, but this situation shows NO sign of going
away anytime soon, and ti's turning into a regular thing. I suppose if there is a silver lining
on this cloud, it's that I may be able to make a good case argument for either:
1) Getting new digital projectors; or
2) Running more 35 and 70mm, or
3) Retiring