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Dead JSD-100

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  • Dead JSD-100

    I have a JSD-100 unit (bought in 2012, probably Made in 2011 or 2012) that doesnt want to boot anymore.

    All it does is showing a lit up, blank Screen.
    See Here:
    Voltages seem to be okay, Fuse on PSU has been checked.

    Any ideas? It's the Standard Model with 16 digital Inputs and 8 analog outputs. It has the DI84 daughterboard installed, but Not the DI80. I've tried turning it on with or without the SD Card inserted.

    Interestingly, with the Bypass Powersupply plugged in it does what it's supposed to do in Bypass.

    After all those years this is the First JSD100 that doesnt work any more. Usually it's Just minor stuff like broken faders...

    Thanks for any hints, I'm not yet ready to give Up on this one.

    Last edited by Sascha Roll; 05-24-2024, 11:31 AM.

  • #2
    Hopefully, Harold will happen by on this thread. He'll probably know what would cause your situation.


    • #3
      Sorry to hear about the issues! Sometimes the JSD-100 is still working, but just the front panel stops working. Do automation cues still work? Can you connect to it using TCP over port 10001? If so, it MAY be as simple as unplugging the front panel ribbon cable from the main board and plugging it back in.

      As you see, there is a separate microcontroller on the front panel that handles bypass. It also drives separate audio circuitry on the main board so bypass does not depend on the DSPs or the main board microcontroller.

      The JSD-100 has a Power On Self Test that may help in debugging the unit. Connect a terminal program (like Tera Term) to the RS232 port on the rear panel of the JSD-100. Set the terminal speed to 38.4 kbps, 8N1. When you power up the JSD-100, you should see a series of characters showing the boot process. These are:

      A - Bootup has started.

      B - Main application has started.

      C - RTC is working (time is advancing)

      D - FIFO buffers for USB and RS232 I/O initialized.

      E - Tick timer initialized.

      F - File system for web server initialized.

      G - Network configuration loaded.

      H - Network hardware initialized.

      I - Display initialized.

      J - RS232 port interrupts enabled.

      K - Resets released on DSPs, codecs, etc.

      L - CPLD driving parallel automation initialized.

      b - 8 channel ADC initialization failed

      M - 8 channel initialization complete (unless b, above, indicating failure)

      d - DSP 1 communications failed

      e - DSP 2 communications failed

      N - DSP word order set

      O - Digital Receivers / Sample Rate Converters initialized

      P - 2 channel codec initialized

      Q - AC3 decoder (if present) initialized

      R - Audio routing written to DSPs

      S - 2 channel codec audio source set

      T - Config loaded from flash

      U - Equalization written to DSPs

      V - Delay gains set to 1.0. System wake succeeded.

      0x00 - SD card initialization worked (0x01 indicates it failed)

      W - Flash chip 0 ok

      X - Flash chip 1 ok

      Y - Flash chip 2 ok

      Z - Logging initialized

      1 - Watchdog timer initialized

      2 - TCP stack initialized

      3 - Board revision read

      4 - Bypass settings sent to front panel

      5 - Most recent levels (fader presets) loaded

      The system then goes into the main loop.

      So, can you see this power on self test? How far does it get? Can you communicate with the JSD-100 over Ethernet, RS232, or USB? Does unplugging the front panel and plugging it back in fix it?

      Good luck!


