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What is this board for?

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  • What is this board for?

    I acquired another cp500 to use its front panel to replace the failing one on the unit I already have. Pictured is a small board plugged into the 6 channel input. Can anyone tell me what it is?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Transformer isolation board from Odyssey.


    • #3
      WIthout a better picture, it's hard to tell exactly, but if it has screw terminals on it, was
      most likely an interface to be able bare wire input to the 6ch input without having to
      make your own 6ch connector. It was probably made by Odyssey. Sometimes
      you'll see one with an RJ-45 socket (for the type of 8pin plug like what is used
      on computer LAN cables) - - these are usually used for getting digital (AES)
      audio into or out of the 25pin connectors on legacy Dolby (and other) processors.
      Someone else here can probably describe it better, but basically all you've got
      is an audio connector adapterthingy.


      • #4
        Thank you Dave and jim! I did find it online from your answers
        Attached Files

