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Is possible to add JSD60 TCP cues to a DSP100 server? Maybe adding a CP650 with the CONFIG script and modifying some cues file?
If not possible, how can I add serial cues?
It is not possible. You could use a serial to Ethernet adapter to give it Ethernet commands.
Note, later DSS systems (DSS200 or DSS220), in one of the version 4.9 software (not available to the DSS100/DSP100) could have ONE Ethernet device where one could make a suitable XML file with the commands.
Dolby was very closed on their Ethernet usage despite, since the DSS100, its ability to talk Ethernet to the NA10, CP650, CP750.
I can tell you, from my work on a CP650 emulator for Q-SYS, the DSS series really expects the responses to be right or it shuts down the service. For instance, while emulating the CP650 within Q-SYS, I was using an Ethernet to serial adapter so I could present the DSS server with the right port number. If I would push a new design, that would cause the DSS server to see the CP650 stop responding yet the port/socket remained open due to the serial to Ethernet adapter...the DSS would shut down CP650 communication and not recover until the server was rebooted. (My solution was for QSYS to energize a relay when the design was running that then turned on the adapter. So, from the DSS' point of view, it behaved like a CP650...if the unit is off, the socket disappears...if the unit is on, it has a finite time to start responding.
Serial works well. Just experiment a bit with one cue until you get the line terminator correct. I think it's either \0A (line feed) or \0D (carriage return).
If you make the cues "sound" cues they will be available in the GUI otherwise only in a playlist.
If you want to control anything else, serial is a one to one connection so it's all used up with just your JSD60.
I have used a Jnior as a serial to network converter and controlled sound, lights, mag door release, and masking via both the network conversion and relay controls. If you have an NA10, ok it works but is no longer supported at all.
True the recent DSS200 software versions allow network control of non Dolby devices but boy it isn't easy.
I think there is a serial to network manual, the integpg.com website has all the manuals. The Junior app has to be loaded and configured but it works great.
It's pretty straightforward. Firstly, in system > auditorium, you need to enable "this auditorium uses serial automation." If this box is unchecked, the "serial automation" tab disappears.
This example shows the cues for a MiT IMC2-B automation controller, but the principle is the same for any device that can accept cues as regular ASCII strings.
Thank you!!!!
I see that the only way to test the cues is on a playlist.
The SERIAL-TCP conversion of the JSD60 is fantastic. Is an undocumented command? I haven't seen it in the JSD60 manual.
Thanks! I added tcp_send in version 130513 . The manual never caught up. I added this to the JSD-60 when developing the LSS so I could get a DSS-200 to control the LSS. This was before we added the flash sequence script start to the LSS. The string to send can contain any character (including the field separator pipe). The following escape sequences are supported:
\\ = backslash
\t = tab
\n = newline
\r = carriage return
\a is alarm (bell)
\f is form feed
\v is vertical tab
\b is backspace