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Christie Series 2 TPC issues

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  • Christie Series 2 TPC issues

    I'm seeing a trend on the Christie S2 projectors that we support. If one power cycles the projector (full power off, not just going to standby), the TPC (Touch Panel Controller) may not power back on. If one power cycles the system again (sometimes multiple times) it boots back up. Once booted, it behaves.

    Changing the battery, flash card and even the Standby supply itself (which also powers the PIB and parts of the EVB) has not improved things.

    Have any of you all come across this issue (yet)? It is feeling like a capacitor issue (like we've run into on the Crown DSi amplifiers...though that one as induced by the capacitor's location an proximity to heat). Have any of you come up with repairs for them?

  • #2
    I have this problem on several projectors. In order to make the touch panel start, what I do is disconnect its cable and reconnect it. but so far Christie hasn't given me a solution either.


    • #3
      Bad connections in the TP cable? Maybe a little de-ox/cleaning... or socket been damaged from repeated seating/unseating/use? (In an effort to start with simple and move to difficult?)


      • #4
        Reseating the cable itself does not affect it. One has to leave power off for a few seconds. Power cycling the projector, without ever touching that cable, can bring the TPC back up. Based on my conversation with a Christie tech today, I don't think Christie is aware of the problem (same result as Miguel above). This is really starting to feel like a bad capacitor in the TPC (or a collection of them) such that whatever voltage it needs to start up, isn't cutting it.


        • #5
          I've seen some issues with Advantech TPCs that could only be solved repairing or replacing the MB, even if most times the issue was battery related


          • #6
            This reads like the classic symptom of a failing capacitor to me.

            Is there still a ridiculous wait time for replacement TPCs? The last I encountered a dead one was in late 2022 or early 2023, and Christie gave us a six to eight month wait time for a new one. Our customer had to replace an otherwise OK projector.


            • #7
              I haven't encountered Christie parts delays in 2024. So, I suspect that it isn't a problem. Now, like Leo, I had issues getting even the Standby supply, critical to powering the PIB, TPC and EVB (you know, the parts that run the projector). There are a couple projectors out there now with lower-cost power supplies in them with a more common "barrel" power connector instead of the DIN that I did during the supply chain issues. In 2024, I had zero issues getting factory supplies.


              • #8
                How about replacing the standby supply??
                In addition to the genuine Christie product, a compatible adapter is very cheap and easy to find.
                It has the same pin specifications as the HP printer 24v adapter.
                Of course, if the size is different, the problem is that you have to worry about how to fix it.​


                • #9
                  Already stated in the original post. Standby supplies have been changed. Furthermore, the PIB emergency button does work, which also needs the standby supply.

