The LEDs in the stairway lighting at Mercyhurst were connected in alternating fashion.
When I first started there, they had those plastic tubes with "grain of wheat" lamps inside them attached to each step.
From the day I first walked into the place, I told the boss that those lights weren't safe and that somebody was going to fall down and get hurt in the dark. Of course, my request was roundly ignored until some old lady fell and twisted her ankle. It happened on a Saturday night and my boss was asking me to get quotes for installing the correct lighting, on Monday.
Anyhow... I got quotes for the DC version power supply so that the lights would be dimmable but, of course, they overrode me and got the AC version power supply.
Yes, every time I walked up or down those stairs, I could see them flicker out of the corner of my eye!
Bugged the crap out of me!
I did record them with a video camera and that's how I discovered that they were wired in opposing series-parallel sets.
So... Yes... I know that "good" Christmas tree lights (or other kinds of LED lights) can use a cheaper AC version of power supply or the better DC version. But, I assumed that you were talking about AC because you mentioned about the flicker.
That's why I replied the way I replied.
When I first started there, they had those plastic tubes with "grain of wheat" lamps inside them attached to each step.
From the day I first walked into the place, I told the boss that those lights weren't safe and that somebody was going to fall down and get hurt in the dark. Of course, my request was roundly ignored until some old lady fell and twisted her ankle. It happened on a Saturday night and my boss was asking me to get quotes for installing the correct lighting, on Monday.
Anyhow... I got quotes for the DC version power supply so that the lights would be dimmable but, of course, they overrode me and got the AC version power supply.
Yes, every time I walked up or down those stairs, I could see them flicker out of the corner of my eye!
Bugged the crap out of me!
I did record them with a video camera and that's how I discovered that they were wired in opposing series-parallel sets.
So... Yes... I know that "good" Christmas tree lights (or other kinds of LED lights) can use a cheaper AC version of power supply or the better DC version. But, I assumed that you were talking about AC because you mentioned about the flicker.
That's why I replied the way I replied.