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Technical Procedures
Battling Loud Trailers
- The $5 solution!
Build a platter breakdown clutch
- How to build a simple breakdown clutch for platters that free-spin during breakdown
Building 101
- Basic tips on how to assemble a print properly.
Christie AW3 - Tightening the takeup tension on an older AW3 platter
Christie AW3 brain modificaitons & alignment tips when running 70mm
- For those projecting Hateful Eight
Christie AW3 Platter Tips
- Tips to make an AW3 platter run at peak performance.
Christie P35GP Projector Tips
- Tips for solving the most common Christie projector problems.
Clamping Long Prints
- A recommendation for moving 3+ hour prints.
Cutting Trailers Properly
- Tips to find the frame line on trailers as well as proper winding procedures.
DTS - Converting a DTS6 (2 drawer) player to a 3 drawer player
DTS - How to fit "Return of the King" (and other 3 disc movies) onto 2 dts discs
Focusing Anamorphics
- Tips for achieving a better focus on scope films.
Modifying a Simplex 5 Star Soundhead to be More Film Friendly
- How to get rid of the evil "dirt-embedder roller"!
Preparing Strong/Potts MUTs for split reels
Rebuilding Strong Platter Motors
Splicing Tips
- Tips on splicer modification and splicing techniques for a perfect splice.
Threading 101
- Tips on how to thread a platter and projector properly.
Analyzing Xenon Bulb Failures
- A paper by Ray Boegner
Frequently Asked Questions
- Everything film related you never even thought to ask about.
From Plex to Palace 2
- by Tomlinson Holman
Improving Your On-Screen Presentation
- Discussion on proper film handling techniques.
Wide Screen Movies Corrections 2.0
- Newly updated version
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