May 2008 photos from the Joe Redifer collection.
 75 KB · 625x294 Built by General Cinemas in times long past, Kipling Place 6... |
|  73 KB · 625x362 The box office to Kipling Place 6 is generally only used on ... |
|  101 KB · 625x469 The lobby. As you may notice, this place was built during T... |
|  90 KB · 625x469 Yes, I know this picture is blurry. I'm a human, not a... |
|  108 KB · 625x469 The lobby from the usher's podium looking toward the bo... |
 92 KB · 625x469 An aerial view of the lobby taken through the manager's... |
|  82 KB · 625x464 The north hallway looking down towards #1 and #2, which are ... |
|  63 KB · 625x469 Between #1 and #2 is the old satellite concession stand for ... |
|  63 KB · 469x625 Here is auditorium #2 which is one of the giant screen audit... |
|  92 KB · 625x451 Here is a view from the front of auditorium #2, which is one... |
 89 KB · 625x468 Here is the south hallway looking down at #'s 5, 4 and ... |
|  72 KB · 625x469 Here is auditorium #5. The floor is still painted red from ... |
|  65 KB · 469x625 Time to go upstairs. Here are a set of stairs. They even p... |
|  70 KB · 625x469 The upstairs hallway. There used to be a timeclock mounted ... |
|  72 KB · 625x457 This used to be the concessions storage room, but now is use... |
 115 KB · 625x469 We used to call this room the kitchen. Not sure why. But i... |
|  95 KB · 625x469 Finally, in the booth! Here we are at #5 looking towards #4... |
|  86 KB · 625x469 Century projectors attached to ORC lamphouses. Nice project... |
|  92 KB · 625x469 They moved the Neumade PRT-Ultra rewind bench from the other... |
|  88 KB · 625x469 You would think that a theater like this would be powered by... |
 84 KB · 625x469 Here is projector #1 with DTS. 3 of the 6 houses have DTS i... |
|  82 KB · 469x625 Here is the sound rack which powers #1, which is one of the ... |
|  74 KB · 625x469 A long shot of the booth looking from #3 all the way down to... |
|  78 KB · 469x625 Here is projector #2, which delivers content to the numerous... |
|  88 KB · 625x469 Here's another shot looking at #3 and #4. Lots of room... |
 107 KB · 625x469 The sound system here in #3 is so powerful that cinder block... |
|  67 KB · 625x469 And finally here is #6, the third and final DTS house and al... |